Sept. 2015: Life Updates, Stocks, Budget Plan & Achievements!

10:24 PM Cindy 6 Comments

Hey, I'm back! Forgive me for my long hiatus here in my blog. I've been busy with work and other stuff at home that's why I haven't posted anything here. While I'm away here are the things that happened in my life.

The majority of my stocks in my portfolio are in red status right now. It means I am experiencing a paper loss, but that's okay. I plan to hold it for months or a year before I sell them. I'm wishing I can gain 10%-15% capital appreciation through my stocks so let's see what will happen.

When it comes to our house budget, I can say that I fail miserably in this one because I only save 18% of my salary. I know it isn't a bad thing, but it makes me sad that I didn't meet my goals. Hopefully, I can achieve 20% savings this end of the month. I'm crossing my fingers for this one!

September marks the beginning of "BER" months. I can now hear Christmas songs in our neighborhood and even at the mall! Filipino's truly loves to celebrate the yuletide season. Hehe. I know it may sound extremely frugal, but I already set a budget for my godchildren on Christmas day. Why am I planning this too early? To avoid overspending and, of course, panic buying.

What I love about this month is the achievement of my boyfriend who successfully passed his licensure exams for registered electrical engineering and master electrician on his first take. As his girlfriend, I am very proud of him. All his hard work paid off.

What about you? What are the good or bad things happened in your life lately this September? How's your financial goals? Feel free to leave your stories below.

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